The Helix Story

As parents of a child with autism, Marjorie and Marc McMorris truly understand the challenges that face both the child and their family. Like all parents, they wanted to give everything they possibly could to their son to allow him to lead a fulfilling, connected and productive life. With that in mind, in 2014 they opened the doors to The Helix School with two students. Helix was built to offer children on the autism spectrum a chance: A chance to advocate for themselves, to grow comfortable in their bodies, to learn not only academics, but about the world and all the connectivity that comes from understanding relationships. They wanted kids to experience the joy of sharing their passions, or what Dr. Barry Prizant likes to call enthusiasms, with others.

Marjorie McMorris has helped to bring together educators, entrepreneurs and therapists who share the same vision: to change the educational system for children with autism. Ms. McMorris, who has a Bachelor of Arts in Child Development from Spelman College, has created a learning institution that looks at best practices and the latest research to ensure that students are receiving the highest quality education and therapies, every day. Also trained in TEACCH Autism Program and Kimochis: Social and Emotional Learning and Pivotal Response Training, McMorris is wholly committed to this work and the success of this school. 

Fast forward to 2022. The Helix School is a certified Non Public School and has 28 students–both private and through one of the seven districts with whom we contract. Each day, students have access to their teachers, teaching assistants, occupational therapies, speech therapy and behavioral therapy. With our new Transition Program, Helix is able to serve students through age 22. One of the most exciting changes is that in September we moved into a newly renovated building at 161 Mitchell Blvd in San Rafael. As I write this, the wall of windows in my office overlooks the serene marsh of Gallinas Creek. With this move, we have had the opportunity to redesign our occupational therapy space, open up play space for our elementary students, and have dedicated spaces for a library and art. Perhaps most importantly, we have room to grow. 

As the new Head of School, I spent the summer visiting with families. “This school has changed our lives,” was the common chorus. For many families, Helix became the place where their student learned to love school again. “They really get my child,” parent after parent reported. 

The Helix School values partnerships with the community. One of the most important partnerships has been with WOW! Music Studio of Mill Valley. The studio owners, Tommy Toy and Emily Siskin-Toy, wanted to introduce music classes to neurodiverse students and we took them up on it! After a successful year of practice and learning our students performed a benefit concert at none other than Sweetwater Music Hall. The partnership is valuable and strong and will continue here in San Rafael.

The Helix School is a vibrant community full of professionals who love what they do. It all started with a dream. Marjorie McMorris was looking for a school for her son. Certainly there are a lot of choices in the Bay Area, but she had something particular in mind, and when she could not find it anywhere in the greater Bay Area, she built it herself.

Reach out, we’d love to have you visit.

by Deanna Wylie Mayer, Head of School