Sunday, December 17, 2023
Newsletter Before Winter Break
A quick note before Winter Break
Dear Community,
A quick note this week to remind everyone it is our final week before the Winter Break!
We will be celebrating with a funky hair day on Thursday and pajama day on Friday before heading off for two full weeks off.
We return with a regular schedule on Monday, January 8.
Big thanks to Carisa Casian for organizing a mini field day at the courts near Gravity Vault on Friday. Yoga Dan joined us and the students really enjoyed themselves. Look to social media for some upcoming photos!
A number of staff also met at Gravity Vault on Saturday to be trained in belaying as we hope to be able to take student rock climbing soon. It was loads of fun! Check out our cat-like Jason Mountsier making his way up the wall while Sybie watches and Carisa belays!
Don't forget to register for Holiday Camps if you are interested! There are still spots left! You can do so via School Cues. If you have questions, email Anthony@thehelixschool.org.
Have a great evening!