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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Newsletter From Executive Director

Commemorating Veterans' Day

Dear Community,

In commemoration of Veteran’s Day, we express our sincere appreciation for the women and men who have served our country. We celebrate the courage, commitment, and sacrifice of our veterans, recognizing the profound impact they have had on our community and nation. We know many of our community members have family members who have or are directly serving and we thank them for their service.

We have launched our Annual Fund Campaign! At a high-touch school like ours, tuition is simply not enough to pay our teachers and clinicians a competitive wage, provide ongoing programming for students and professional development to keep our experts at the forefront of special education. Click here to make your donation. When we vie for grants or foundation money they want to know the % of parents and staff who donated. Help us achieve our goal of 100% participation!

Grandparents and Special Friends Day is this Friday! Click here for last Chance to Register!

Medication Procedure/Policy. If your student requires medication at school please be sure that medication is given to Joseph Quinlan or his teacher either in the original bottle OR with a copy of the prescription/dosage in writing. All medications will be administered at the front desk and a log is kept denoting medication given, dosage, time given, person administering. Students should not be carrying medication in lunch boxes or backpacks unless it is an emergency medication such as an epiPen. If you have concerns about this policy, please reach out to Joseph Quinlan.

Speaker’s Bureau. Tuesday’s talk was a big hit. We now look ahead to our next in the lineup.NY Times Bestselling author Tiffany Hammond will read her book A Day With No Words, discuss the importance of Black, Autistic non-speaker representation, and the broader why behind her award-winning picture book. She will then open up for a Q&A session. This is an event that encourages us to ask what we can do to actively build inclusion. If you haven’t registered yet, please do so!

Change. The connections formed between our staff members and our students is a vital component of our supportive community. When someone departs, it can be challenging for our students who thrive on routine and familiarity. The transition can bring a sense of uncertainty and adjustment as they form unique connections with each person. While change is an inevitable part of life, we understand the impact it has on our students. As a school, we actively address these challenges by implementing transition plans that include familiarizing students with new teachers before the change occurs, providing social stories to help them understand and cope with the upcoming adjustments, and offering additional support and reassurance during the transition period. Simultaneously, we recognize the impact this can have on our parents. We strive to be a school that offers many opportunities for parents to engage in open and supportive discussions, offering information on the changes, addressing concerns, and collaborating on strategies to ease the transition for both students and families. To that end, I want to remind you that you can always use my “book a meeting” link to schedule a time with me. If you try it and you can’t find something that works for you, please just shoot me a message and we will find a time. I am also more than happy to meet in person. We can’t always control change, but we can be there for each other when it happens.

Enjoy this beautiful day.

Warm regards,


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